Variety is certainly the spice of life. And, when it comes to jewelry design, the modern world is blessed with a flavorsome dose of variety in the form of black gold and rose gold. So, let's look at these types of colored gold vs white gold in order to get a better understanding of what makes them so special.

A look at Black Gold.

In order to make gold black, gold has to undergo a specific process. There are several ways to create black gold, but fine-jewelry industry standards involve rhodium plating. This highly reflective black rhodium plating is generally applied to a white gold alloy ring after it has been cast.

How to Look After Black Gold

If you wear your black gold jewelry frequently, you may find that the plating starts to wear thin in some areas. Because of this, it is advisable to have your ring polished regularly by a professional jeweler. This process isn't expensive, and will keep your black gold looking spotless.

Black Gold Is Perfect For…

Both men and women! Men enjoy black gold wedding rings because the dark color lends itself to masculinity. However, when worked into ornate designs, black gold can be extremely feminine as well. It is so versatile that it lends itself perfectly to both vintage and modern design, and everything in between.

Best Design Types

Black gold works in a variety of designs, and the best type depends entirely on your taste. Show off the black gold as a central feature with the solitaire setting, or use it to accent beautiful gems with halo or pavé settings, for example.

A Look At Rose Gold

Unlike black gold, rose gold is not plated after the casting process. The gold itself is an alloy made mostly of yellow gold, but tinted with copper. Being a natural red, the copper's tone gives the gold a pale pink color, like it's blushing!

How to Care for Rose Gold

Because it is not plated, rose gold doesn't need to be touched up by professional jewelers as frequently. That being said, it is still a good idea to care for it as best you can. Keep your rose gold away from chemicals like chlorine bleach and try to clean it your body's natural oils as frequently as possible. Wearing your rose gold while swimming or showering is not advised.

Rose Gold Is Perfect For…

Rose gold is typically preferred by women on account of its soft, feminine hue. That being said, a lot of men's wedding rings look incredible in rose gold. Coupled with gemstones or forged into interesting designs, this gold can take on an entirely different feel that suits the taste of countless men.

Best Design for Rose Gold?

Rose gold looks fantastic in a variety of designs, so you really can't go wrong on this front. With it being such a soft color, you can show off a lot of the metal without worrying that it will be too bold. With that in mind, rose gold solitaire rings look especially beautiful.

Is Black Gold or Rose Gold More Your Style?

White gold's neutrality is perfect for showcasing the brilliance of gemstones. But, if you want the metal to be just as eye-catching as the stone, black gold and rose gold are excellent choices.

They are both beautiful to look at and their manufacturing processes make them highly versatile. The rhodium plating of black gold ensures that rings made from this distinctive metal are scratch resistant – a trait that is shared by rose gold on account of its own process.

The knowledge that your ring has been expertly crafted out of high quality materials means that you are free to choose the ring that most suits your taste, without worrying about it being overly delicate.

All that is left to answer now is, 'Which ring suits your personality more?'

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Anish Godha

Anish Godha

Having been raised in a family of jewelers, my exposure to gemstones and fine jewelry craftsmanship began at a very young age. After obtaining my engineering degree from Stanford, I realized that combining Computer Aided Design and 3D printing with our rich legacy could create a unique platform where people can effortlessly customize fine jewelry. This has been my endeavor ever since!

Anish Godha