Is There a Home Version of Funny You Should Ask

Funny You Should Ask (TV Series 2017– ) Poster

7 /10

wow people are brutal!

The reviews for this prove it! Yes it's basically a midday game show. Yes the prize money isn't a lot. Yes it's mostly past their prime comedians. Yes they all have the answers and jokes written/rehearsed for them! There's nothing new here, it is the same format as Hollywood Squares. But you know what? All the negatives fit the old game shows like it too! Charlie Weaver, Paul Lind, Rose Marie were all past starring in stuff too. But people loved those old game shows! Match game actually restored some people's fame! Everybody chose the same guy for the final answer, Richard Dawson over and over, and he eventually became iconic-ally beloved on Family Feud. But as a half hour escape, it is serviceable. Louie Anderson is very funny, Tom Arnold loves to point out he's stupidly married 4 times. The only real negative for me is the final question is like final Jeopardy champions tournament level hard. You're only going to get that by wildly guessing right! But c'mon people stop condemning it for being exactly what it is supposed to be! A low budget campy giggles daytime filler show. There are/is far worse high budget Network crap out there. That ridiculously bad Kiki Micheal and Sarah show that last like what, a few weeks? Sheesh!

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9 /10

Good show

I have never seen so many negative reviews of a show. I really like this show, it is funny and clever, and you learn a lot of interesting obscure facts. What's not to like ?? Maybe the prize money is kind of low but it is ENTERTAINMENT !!!

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9 /10

It's mindless entertainment...Thank you, Byron Allen.

We need more mindlessly entertaining game shows and less politically-driven talk shows and this game show fits the bill perfectly. Produced by Byron Allen and hosted by the fresh-faced John Kelly, it asks somewhat intelligent trivia questions with answers provided by 6 of today's wacky stand-up comedians, among the likes of Jon Lovitz, Bill Bellamy, Louie Anderson and Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias. I'm happy it got recently renewed for 2 more seasons; catch it sometime late night or afternoons on your favorite UHF tv station.

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so-so show

It is a cute show but I think that the "loser" should keep the money they won and the winner keeps the money they won and have a chance to win $5k which is pitiful. At least make it $10 k which is still lower than all other game shows. Looks like they have a very small budget and it shows. It makes the Emcee look ridiculous making the $5k the highlight of the show... justmyopinion

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9 /10

Too Funny - You Should Watch

I do not understand how this show is not more popular. I DVR several episodes each day and start my mornings with some trivia and great hokey jokeys. It puts a smile on my brain. It amazes me that while the show is diverse in ethnicities there are never any older contestants and they all seem quite attractive.

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9 /10


I think the jokes are funny and I learn alotta CRAZY trivia.. Sometimes my "would be" responses are similar to the jokes. The actors kinda oversell it sometimes but I watch it weekly.

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3 /10

Cheap Skate Show

Should be paying the contestants more. Loser goes home with nothing. Winner takes home peanuts. Show only exists to give washed-up comics rent money.

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3 /10

It's the Only Thing On

This show is pretty dumb. The "funny" answers are not, but even more annoying than those unfunny answers are the reactions of the other celebrities on the show. They laugh like these answers are the funniest lines they've ever heard! Good grief, Char...well, you know. And that life-changing jackpot of $5,000? It is incredibly cheap! Then, to make that last question impossible to answer, unless you're a very lucky guesser, just proves how low-rent it truly is. I only keep it on for background noise now. It truly sucks.

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1 /10

Mindnumbingly stupid

The so called joke answers are horrible. I don't know why anyone would watch this show.

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1 /10

Sad excuse for a game show

Comedians are funny sometime but definitely look as if they are totally bored and wish they had something else to do. 5k is also a joke for money to win, host makes it sound like its 50k they are going to win. Also odds of answering that last question is a joke. Not sure how it's still on TV.

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10 /10

The Funniest Show Ever

Some people likely think this is a small-time game show. They couldn't be more wrong. The game show format is just a pretense for some of the funniest people around to showcase their own talent and that of the show's writers.

Quite simply, Funny You Should Ask is laugh-out-loud funny on almost every question and the punch lines will, more often than not, make your jaw drop. - this show isn't concerned with being politically correct. Even better, there are more such punch lines than on any show you've ever seen.

Host, John Kelly. i's a magnificent straight man, the perfect complement to the wonderfully funny people he plays host to, and he shamelessly promotes "the big money, five THOUSAND dollars, five grand!" I laugh every time if for no other reason than for such a small payoff, the chances of a contestant winning it are maybe 1 in 5 at best because getting the final "big money" question.correct is usually sheer luck. But you probably won't notice because you'll be laughing too hard at the last punchline.

Funny You Should Ask has one purpose - to make us laugh, and those laughs can hardly get any bigger. Thanks to the wonderful writers whose lines are spectacularly delivered, Funny You Should Ask is joyously hilarious.

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6 /10

Fun to watch

The fairly low prize money for the competitive rounds seems reasonable because of the need to increase with each round to enable "come from behind" scenarios and because it feels uncomfortable enough for $300 to be the reward for the right answer to a kooky question that has to be a complete 50-50 guess -- if they raised the $100 amounts, then they'd have to raise the $200 amounts and the $300 amounts. Also, it is probably easier for the loser to go home with nothing when the winner didn't get that much anyway.

However, I would really enjoy the show better if they changed the ultimate (winner only) round to allow the contestant to win $1,000 if they get the first question right, another $2,000 if they get the second question right, and an additional $3,000 if they get the third question right. I would also prefer that they make that last question something that maybe 15% to 25% of people would actually know instead of making it something that only maybe 5% of people would actually know, as well as maybe a modicum of logic being able to be applied to it.

As for the jokes -- I enjoy those a lot, even the "groaners". Don't some people realize that those are part of comedy tradition? I hope they have subsequent seasons and that they get the next one out soon enough that multiple reruns of the existing episodes don't turn off so many viewers that they start thinking of that show as something they don't watch instead of something they do.

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1 /10


Incredibly unfunny and overly hyped. The theory in our household is that the show exists only so that the studio can honour contracts with fallen 'stars' who are just too bad to go on anything else. This show is on before one of our favourites and it is always muted to spare us the excruciating cringe factor.

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8 /10


I don't get the negative reviews, this is one of the funniest game shows there is, and the comedians are top notch! Really a fun show......

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6 /10

Low budget Hollywood squares

I would like the show more if they weren't so cheap with their prize money. It is designed to have contestants lose. VERY FEW, maybe a 1/4% of contestants ever win the $5,000 at the end of the game. My guess is the average amount won on the show is $900 to the winner and the loser gets nothing. At the end of the game they ask 3 questions. The 2nd and 3rd questions are rediculous. Like how many grains of sand are there in the world? 5 bazillion 1, 5 bazillion 2, 5 bazillion3 5 bazillion 4 5 bazillion 5? Byron Allen should share his wealth with contestants and look at other game show prizes.

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1 /10

Unoriginal and unfunny.

This game is just a copy of Hollywood Squares without the huge budget. But they do have equally unfamous people you probably never heard of. Just know that if a show has "funny" in the title, you will never laugh.

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5 /10

Unoriginal, maybe, but sure is funny.

The reviewer who stated it was unfunny is wrong. The very reason I like this program is because of the wit from the comedians, whether it is prepared or instantaneous. The other reason I like this program is I have learned a lot from the sometimes unbelievable trivia.

While I can't stand the enormous applause given each & every time by a very drunk and eager audience, I wish I could skip through Jon's explanation of the rules each and every time.

I have tivo'd all episodes and for the very first time given a series extended # of episodes to store. Its disappointing that tivo doesn't have a 5 or 10s skip and I have to bear the banter and applause every few seconds.

What I fail to dig is why the comedians would confidently give a wrong answer thusly not rewarding the measly amounts given to contestants who are made to act like the reward $ is better than winning a lottery.

Funny thing is they always invite a extra-wannabe-overly-enthusiastic and animated young contestant couple who are clueless about past events that the aged comedians are better at.

UPDATE: Got tired of Jon Kelly screaming Jackay and that woman blushing like a crow, and the meagerly paid contestants made to cavort and scream for making $100, with the comics giving totally wrong answers super-confidently; was willing to turn a blind eye to this, was after all learning a few things; but the most irritating thing was the WILD screams from a maniacal audience for each and every effing thing. It just got louder and wilder. Deleted the darn scheduled recording.

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7 /10

funny game show

Warning: Spoilers

It's not original, that's true. but to say it's not funny is not true. you will laugh. in spite of yourself. it's heavy out there now. why not laugh? jon Kelly is very good as the mc.

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5 /10

Why dog the prize amount?

I have read all the comments about the $5k grand prize. Why is that a hang up? You are not playing for the money. I have seen people play for less. Get past that. If they offered $100k would it change the content and your rating? My guess is no.

Bottom line is that it is a game/comedy show. It has some funny moments. It has some less than funny moments. Definitely not going to win any awards, but there are less entertaining shows on TV.

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1 /10

no, just... no

This is a sad excuse for comedic show. At most, you get a dad joke/pun that makes you think "oh that's witty, I guess" The host is pretty annoying. When Jackie is on the show he repeatedly shouts "JAH-KAY" and its so unfunny it feels like I'm watching a "comedy" video from Instagram. I can almost guarantee you the audience is paid to laugh, which is probably why the prize money is so small. The budget for the show is so low that when the loser leaves, they leave with NOTHING. Well actually that's not true; the loser leaves with embarrassment for being on such a bad show. I'm just going to list a bunch of things that show how low-budget this show is: 1) There is no inspiration or or effort put into the stage where the show takes place. *not enough money for a good setup* 2) The "smash hit line of comics" are just a bunch of old people that used to be in sitcoms and don't know the first thing about making people laugh. (sitcoms, as in unfunny, boring shows where 24% of the episode is taken up by laugh tracks placed at what are considered to be "jokes" I guess.) *not enough money to hire actually funny people* 3) Loser gets nothing *not enough money to even pay for their hotel* 4) The big prize money is only 5 grand. (Host announces it like it is a new car/$50,000.) *not enough money to give out anything worth going for* 5) They literally use the horrible song "Happy" from that horrible artist Pharrell Williams, from that horrible movie Despicable Me 2, from that horrible entertainment company Illumination. *not enough money to hire a composer that will make the theme memorable and not make you want to pluck out your eardrums*

Anyway, let me complain some more. Every time the comics tell a "funny" answer, everyone in the audience, the host, the contestants,and the comics laugh like they just heard the most hilarious thing in the world. (personally I have a theory that the more they laugh, the more they get paid. It's really the only reasonable explanation.)

Recap of why much I despise this show: 1) Not funny 2) Bad host 3) Loser leaves with nothing 4) Low-budget 5) Everyone laughs too much for it to be natural.

Never watch this. You are welcome for the warning :D

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2 /10

Hollywood Squares Rip Off

The credits state Byron Allen is the creator. Just a cheap imitation of Hollywood Squares. Has anyone else noticed the camera angle on host's tight pants and bulge (Not an accident)? The alleged contestants are only young and good looking, not a chance of a pudgy middle age housewife being selected to be a contestant. I hate people are stupid enough to enrich Byron Allen for this. The prize money is almost as ridiculous as the contestants plans for the money. The only thing I can say nice about it is the show gives a chance to fading stars to work again. I hope Mr. Allen isn't ripping them off with their salaries.

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7 /10

Hollywood Squares Without The Squares

Just like in the old Hollywood Squares celebrities are asked questions (with mostly sexual connotations). They first make a joke ( mostly with sexual connotations) then try to answer it. The two contestants have to decide whether the celebrity is right or wrong. Most of the show is watching the celebs laugh at each others jokes. The budget is obviously low because the " grand prize" is only $5000. Probably not the worst way to spend 30 minutes.

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1 /10

Dumb and Unfunny

This game show has to be a compilation of the lamest comedians and the dumbest people on the planet.

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10 /10


I am baffled by the negative comments here! I think this a a GREAT comedy show. Perhaps those commenting are used to constant POLITICAL NEGATIVE AND NASTY COMMENTS AGAINST TRUMP. I can no longer watch any of the talk shows on anymore! COMEDY AND ENTERTAINMENT is what I tune in for not POLITICAL VIEWS FROM THE LIKES OF KIMMEL AND OTHERS that use their airtime to create hostility between the races and political parties.THAT'S WHAT PODCASTS AND OUR NON-BIAS MEDIA IS FOR!

Byron you have done an outstanding job creating this hysterical show!!!! Perfect choices as well for the comedians and Jon Kelley too (met him in the 90's in Chicago at Ambassador Hotel he was at one of our functions we were hosting there. What a kind and cordial man. Hope this show NEVER ends! I DVR it every night! I have not seen any new shows all repeats on AZ 7 in AZ.

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7 /10

Good for a Half Hour of Laughs & Chuckles

Yes, for those old enough, this show invites comparisons with Hollywood Squares. I'm not a game show fan, but I liked Hollywood Squares and watched it as often as I could (it was a daytime show, and I usually had a day job).

'Funny You Should Ask' can be considered a lower-budget variation of the Hollywood Squares theme, but with six comics providing multiple answers every show, there's plenty of opportunity for hilarious mirth. And they deliver.

Two competing contestants, always a male and a female, try to choose the correct answer provided by the panel of comedians. General topic questions, ranging from culture and society to history and science, are posed, and the comics give a funny answer as a first response, then give their final answer, which may be either true or a bluff.

What is so challenging about the questions is they cover such a wide variety of specialized and esoteric topics, so that often the most logical answer is false and the most bizarre answer is true. Yet, the better-learned contestants will have better odds at winning because correct answers can sometimes be deduced from the questions.

The progressive 3-tiered structure of the show is interesting because each episode provides the chance for serious come-from-behind winning dynamics.

Jon Kelley is as good as game show hosts can get. Perfect for this program.

Hopefully, this show will endure and grow, with the winning purses increasing over time, as well.

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